Saturday, December 15, 2007

Announcements for the week: The Third Sunday of Advent/ Gaudete Sunday

This week, please observe the following Ember Days: Wednesday, December 19; Friday, December 21; and Saturday December 22. Only one meal, which is composed of meat, is permitted. Monday, December 24, Christmas eve is a day of fast and abstinence. No meat is permitted.

Christmas Day: Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at 2:00 P.M. and is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Fr. John Trough, CMRI, will be at the Chapel during the weekend before and the day of The Feast of the Circumcision. The Mass schedule is as follows: Sunday Mass 2PM Feast of The Circumcision 2PM. Any other Mass that will be celebrated during the week is to be announced.

His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, will be coming here to Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel on January 13, 2008 to celebrate Mass and perform Confirmations afterwards. Anyone who needs to be confirmed or conditionally re-confirmed, please see Fr. Gerard or call him at (509) 868-5893 for more information. ONLY BAPTIZED MEMBERS can recieve the sacrament of Confirmation. Regardless of Confirmation or conditional re-Confirmation, Fr. Gerard requests that those who wish to recieve the sacrament present to him copies of baptismal certificates for purposes of Church records. If you cannot meet this requirement, please see Fr. Gerard.

St. Michael's Convent in Spokane, Washington will be holding a "Vocations Weekend" retreat for young women who are at least juniors in high school up to the age of 35 and might be interested in religious life. "Vocations Weekend" will be taking place from February 29 to March 2, 2008. For more information, please contact:
Vocations Directress
St. Michael's Convent
8502 North St. Michael's Road
Spokane, WA 99217-9333
phone: (509) 467-0986 ext. 102

A weekend Lenten retreat will be held at St. Michael's in Spokane, Washington between March 7-9, 2008. If you are able to attend, registration forms are available at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel and also you may access an online registration form at The applicable registration fees are $150 per individual, for those who need overnight accomodations; $75 per individual, for those who do not need an overnight accomodation but meals will be provided. Please note, the fee includes a $50 deposit, which is due by February 25, 2008. For additional information, please contact Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI at (509) 467-2425 ext. 100

Audio CD's are now available from the 2007 Fatima Conference "All Generations Call me Blessed", which took place in Spokane, Washington at Mount St. Michael. They are $60.00 for a complete set of the talks, and $5.00 for the individual topics. For more information call (509) 467-1077

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