Thursday, December 13, 2007

In Rememberance of Archbishop Ngo Dinh-Thuc

Today, December 13, we remember the great Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc, who suffered great tragedies during the course of his life and by the guidence of the Holy Ghost he truly carried out Christ's mission on earth by consecrating bishops in the wake of the Vatican II disaster without a mandate, which was the power given to him by Pope Pius XI. The CMRI, of all religious organizations, which remains faithful to the traditional Catholic teachings owes Archbishp Thuc a debt of gratitude for his bravery unto the last years of his life.

I will re-edit the side bar to include the declaration of Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc and a nice article that was written on July 26 of this past year on the website known as Daily, in rememberance of the Archbishop.

A few weeks ago, I (the website editor) personally spoke with His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, on the phone and asked him if he knew anything about the sudden death of the great Archbishop. His comment was as follows:
"He was in Rochester, New York and a group of religious Vietnamese invited him to dine with them in Carthage, Missouri and he never returned."

Today, Archbishop Thuc is burried at the site where he died in Carthage, Missouri, little is known about what he died of. There is much suspicion of how he died but nonetheless, personally speaking, I believe that one day when the smoke clears he will be known as a great saint.

(The Thuc line and how it relates to the CMRI):
Ngo Dinh-Thuc† -------Moises Carmona†------Mark Pivarunas, our Bishop.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

The Website Editor of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, Archbishop Ngo was invited to go to New York City. He agreed - not realizing theirs was a false invitation.

From there they took him to Washington, DC where Wojtyla's nuncio tried to get him to recant (to no avail.)

Afterwards they took him to Carthage where he spent the last few months as a dry martyrdom.

I encourage you to purchase (15.00 pp) Archbishop Ngo-Dinh-Thuc: Martyr for the Faith by Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM.

It includes the Archbishop's memoirs and then an account of his time in Rochester and his abduction.

Available through contacting